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Thursday 16 June 2011

Day 3 The Cabbage Patch Doll look! Orthodontist appointment

  Soooo i woke up this morning with an even bigger face, i didn't think it could get much bigger! What makes today even better is that i have an orthodontist appointment today....... he is going to laugh at my face!!!! LOL!
  The receptionists and nurses found it highly amusing that my face was huge and kept making me laugh, eventhough it hurt to laugh or smile :D. Although it was so hard to open my mouth as wide as i could, my orthodontist was very pleased with the result and even called in my surgeon and it turns out i DON'T need elastic bands yet, but i may do in two weeks time wooooo hhooooo!!! I'm so fricking happy right now! My surgeon is still giggling after i told him not to bugger it up.......well he did a blooming fantastic job, I'm so chuffed, just waiting for the swelling to go. Next appointment on the 1st July 2011.
  I had some photography done again, but it was so difficult as i couldn't really open my mouth very much at all! Mum found this hilarious, and i could help but laugh, but it hurt so much!! lol.
   Off to mums clinic, whilst i sat there with a humongous face. Mums doctor asked if i was okay lol because of the nose bleeds and the fact my face is HUGE haha!
   We went to see dad and told him the fantastic news  :D and got him down to the concourse for hot chocolate. love him. He seemed so much better and should be home soon.
  My friend who i worked with, saw me!!!! How embarrassing! She was just like, why is your face so big!!! haha!
   I managed a jacket potato and beans, which is so much more satisfying than porridge. I'm still in loads of painkillers, paracetamol, Tramadol, ibuprofen etc. But its definitely not as bad as i thought it would be.
Fat Booth without the app!!! haha!


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