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Monday, 26 September 2011

Day 105- Pain!!!

    So since Friday's orthodontist, my teeth have become sensitive again.......cant really chew much because it hurts!!! Grrrrr!!!! So Saturday night, mum,s friend had a 'do' at her house, and all the food looked so good!!! I attempted some soft rolls, but it took me forever to eat one!! Grrrrr!
Me and the mother

   Sunday they ached so much! I was working all day, luckily paracetamol helped a little bit, but not a great deal!!! For lunch i ended up having 3 yogurts! Not exactly filling!!! That evening, my auntie cut my hair, and she accidentally touched the lower left side of my face.......and it hurt! WHAT?!?! whyyy?? So i left it alone and thought nothing of it.

  Today i got woken up but my lil puppy!!! Cheeky bugger, to let her out! So i decided to go for a run :D Whoooop! 5.96 miles!!! Well chuffed! But whilst i was running, i stopped to do some stretches and i noticed the bottom left side of my face really hurt when i touched it! Its really worrying me a bit, so i told the parents and they seem to think its swollen a little bit!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! What the hell has caused this!! If it gets much worse, ill be back on the phone to my clinic......AGAIN!! The pain seemed to disappear towards the evening at work but I'm keeping a close eye on it.
   Last day at Tesco before i go back to Uni!! :D See you guys at Christmas!!!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Day 102 - Orthodontist.....yes i know....again!

   So i phoned up the clinic yesterday, and it turned out i couldn't get fitted in until today. A bit pants because me and mum were in Cambridge yesterday but oh well! I had the joy of jumping on the bus because the parents are finally back at work!!! :D About time haha bless them!
  I got there way too early, but luckily i took my weather magazine because I'm a nerd!!! LOL! So i got called in, and i bet he thought, what now lol! Well he changed my bracket and put some binding on to make sure no gaps appear between my teeth. He was also very impressed with the back teeth meeting!!! After only wearing bands for two weeks!! Its because i wear them pretty much all the time!! :D Then he asked when my next appointment is......4th November.......THE BRACES WILL BE COMING OFF!!!!! AHHHHH I'm so so happy!!! Its come round pretty fast!!! SHOCKING!! I couldn't stop smiling!! I said I'm so glad I've done this, especially as i would like to become a weather forecaster :D with perfect teeth!!! :D ECSTATIC!

   I was so so happy, i phoned my mum, dad and friends, posted it on Facebook and went a told some colleagues at Tesco haha!! Sad i know!! Bless i gave a card and some wine to Jackie at work for letting me do her Sunday shifts!!! Bless her couldn't thank her enough....id be doomed at uni if i didn't work those!!

   I couldn't stop smiling all day! To top it off, me and the mother made two gorgeous cakes!!! What a giggle that was!!!

    6 WEEKS UNTIL THE BRACES ARE OFF!!!!!!!! Exciting times ahead!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Day 100 - One Hundred Days!!!

   One Hundred Days post surgery!!! That's crazy!!!! And to mark the day.......one of brackets has decided to come loose, one of the ones i put elastics on, hence a while back i thought it was my tooth being sensitive, turns out it is my bracket moving about!! Looks like ill be phoning the clinic......AGAIN!! They love me so much!! haha!

   Me and mum walked the dogs to East town park and attempted some pictures......lol.
Tinkerbell (Tinks)

Silvermist (Misty)

Nawwwww!! I love em! 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Day 97- Elastics are so attractive.......

     So recently I've been eating out more with my friends and my family, as quite a few of us go back to uni very soon and i can eat pretty much anything now. The only issue is, that realising id left my elastics in and go to eat something and think....pants!! Its so unattractive delving into my mouth to get the buggers off! NICE! I had a few looks from other people.....oh well! haha!!
Me and my brothers at the harvester :D

Monday, 12 September 2011

Day 91 - Picture Updates!

   Mum and dad went off on holiday yesterday bless them to Cornwall. The deserve the break after this year!! Which means me and my brothers are left at home with the puppy for a week!!!
  The first time i would of liked a lift from work to my friends to go out in Cambridge.....they're not here!!! Always the way! haha!! Soph, Jo and i met out friend Megan and her work friend there and had a bloody brilliant night!!!! Pics to come.......friend still need to upload them haha!!

   Sunday i worked all day in Tesco......and eventhough i had about 3 hours sleep, i felt great......except the ulcers in my mouth!!!! I just cant no sing to songs when im out!!! Grrrrrr! I keep feeling a bit of sensitivity when i brush my teeth on one of my top teeth on the left side, where i put elastics on! It doesn't cause pain, it just feels awful! Ill keep an eye on it.
  So for some reason the numbness in my lower lip has become more noticable!?!? Not entirely sure why.

  So i know I've been rubbish with uploading pictures, so here are a tonne of them showing the change :D
My Journey from before braces, braces, surgery and post surgery! :D

I LOVE the result so much!! Biting food is great! :D

Friday, 9 September 2011

Day 88-Shopping, Give Blood and Orthodontist :D

   What a day!!!! Not much had really happened over the past few days, just working and running my backside off! :D ready for birmingham half marathon :D! I was well chuffed i ran 7 miles yesterday!! in 1 hour 13 minutes! Time will improve :D
   Me and mum decided we needed to shop for some much needed clothes!! Oh what a giggle we had!! lol Then because we are so cool, we sat in a park and ate two nomable jam scones!!! Treat!!!

Giving blood!! my first time!!! ahhhhhh!
   Oh My Days!! How eventful! So i had to wait for someone to talk to me about letting me give blood because I've only really just had surgery!! So many questions!! The lady bless her heart looked stunned after i told her!! lol. Then they had trouble finding my vein! It happened before when i had pre op bloods taken! I'm an awkward one hehe! but luckily they found one haha! I felt great, the people there are so lovely!!! Love them!

   Well, i didn't get to see my normal orthodontist for the work, but he did pop in to tell me to wear elastics!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I thought i was going to get away with it!!.........Bollocks! Oh well! The orthodontist put two bands on one side for me,( the very back two pairs) and she gave me the other two to do!! OH MY GOD!!! I couldn't do it! They were all laughing at me the cheeky buggers!!! lol, so i went into the toilet where no one could see me and did it, all by my self!! I felt quite proud :D :D! ......sado! They sorted out a tooth i noticed to be twisting on my left side (vampire tooth lol) so hopefully that gets back in place. I really don't intend on having my braces for that much longer thanks!!! lol. Its great fun really lol. Next appointment isn't until the 4th November!!!!! wooooooooooo!!! Lets see how i get on with these elastics......I'm only supposed to wear them at night.......ahh I'm gonna wear them whenever i can!!! :D